At this time, I work over Zoom ONLY. This is relaxing, convenient, and very effective.
What Happens in a Session?
First, we get grounded in the present moment, and then we explore the issue that brought you to counselling. We work with the thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that are alive within you, and we meet these with loving kindness. As well as increasing your clarity on the issue, this gives you practice in self-compassion, which can be truly transformative.
If you opt to do The Work of Byron Katie, we first talk briefly about what is bothering you, so I can help you identify core beliefs that are governing your perceptions and behaviours. We then investigate one of these beliefs. We find what is really true for you, and we explore how you can live by your truths. I help you find your own answers, from within you.
I’m like a meditation teacher or a personal trainer, teaching you the skills of "mental hygiene" and practicing with you. By working on your issues, you may learn to notice your stress, attend to it, and reconnect with your truth, moment to moment, as you live each day.
INDIVIDUAL FEES: $165+GST per hour. $247.50+GST for 90 minutes.
PAYMENT: Please pay by E-transfer. I will email you the receipt.
INSURANCE COVERAGE: Some extended health plans cover the fees. Ask your insurance company if you have coverage for Registered Clinical Counsellor services -- specifically, how much per session and per year. If you are covered, you can submit the receipts to your plan for reimbursement. Receipts may also be used for tax claims.
The primary cause of unhappiness is
never the situation, but
your thoughts about it.
Eckhart Tolle
Schedule a Session
Call or email with questions or to book.