Month: October 2016

October 29, 2016 Sherry

by Sherry Scheideman, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor. My favourite counselling tool is a process called The Work, by Byron Katie. My respect for this tool is shared by the Huffington Post’s weekly parenting advice columnist, renowned psychotherapist and marriage/family therapist Susan Stiffelman. Susan is the author of the best-selling book “Parenting Without Power Struggles”, which…

October 20, 2016 Sherry

by Sherry Scheideman, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor. If you feel like you need a tropical vacation, ask yourself what you want from the experience. What feeling would the experience give you? Maybe peace? Okay, good — you know what you want. The problem is that the vacation is the thing that can give it to…

October 18, 2016 Sherry

by Sherry Scheideman, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor and featuring Dr. Karl Brown (my friend Laura’s puppy). Mindfulness is a simple practice with amazing benefits. It helps with issues ranging from anxiety, depression, anger, stress, physical pain, illness, and disease, to relationships, to academic, career, and sports performance. It promotes relaxation, happiness, competence, and connectedness. Mindfulness…

October 8, 2016 Sherry

by Sherry Scheideman, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor.   When we see the same message independently arising from philosophers of different times and cultures, we’ve got to take that message seriously and see whether it might be worth trying to live by it. My blog today features such a message, expressed by an ancient Greek, a…